are the repository [আধার]
of all that is vital [প্রাণবন্ত]
and vigorous [তেজস্বী]
in society. They are the vital forces in the social organism. It is essential,
therefore, that students should realize this and make full preparations for
playing their proper role in society and answering the call of the time to
[এ কারণে],
the need is to be more conscious [সচেতন]
about duties than about rights. Duties of students can be divided into four
categories: (1) Duties to themselves, (2) Duties to the family, (3) Duties to
the society and the (4) Duties to the humanity.
first duty of students is towards themselves. They should try to have good
health, for a sound mind lives in a sound body. For this purpose, they should
take part in games and sports. The second duty, which they owe to themselves,
is character formation. Building up of good habits in the beginning is very
duties towards themselves, students owe duties towards their parents, elders
and teachers. They should not do anything that tarnishes [কলঙ্কিত]
the image of their family.
is a social being. He is what he can be; what he intends [মনস্থ
করা] to become due to society.
Social service leads to the liberation of the self, which in turn leads to the ennoblement
[মর্যাদা সম্পন্ন]
of the soul [আত্মা]
and the enlargement [বৃদ্ধি]
of the spirit. Besides these spiritual gains, students can get experience of an
education in harmonious [সামঞ্জস্যপূর্ন]
social living.
to humanity is the crying need of the hour. They should try to develop sense of
accommodation [সহায়ক]
for the people of all countries without discrimination [প্রভেদ]
based on social or political systems of their countries or the faith or
religion of their societies.
is an integral [অখণ্ড]
part of our life. Hence, they should be allowed full participation in the
policies of their country and that of the world.
we must do our duty. We shall then be happy and prosperous [উন্নতিশীল]
in our future life.