Group work, an effective [কার্যকর] way of learning and cooperating
with others, involves students working collaboratively [সমন্বিত সহযোগিতায়] on set tasks, in or out of the classroom. Its aim is
to learn through group cooperation [সহযোগিতা] and encourage [উৎসাহিত] all students to participate in the learning process.
This approach [পদ্ধতি] is defined in the
classroom as a group work. The members obtain useful information from each
other to extend [বিস্তার] their knowledge [জ্ঞান] and abilities through the cooperation. To do group work, the class has
to be divided into groups. Each group is to do some tasks given by the teacher
or in the textbook. The group members will discuss and share ideas and points,
and finally one member will write the answer. All this is knowledge about group
work. Then one starts working in groups. In each group one takes turns
discussing points, answering questions, etc. In this way one actually does the
task. Teacher may monitor and help to do the work. Lastly, through regular
group work it is expected [আশা করা] that there will
be noticeable changes in one’s behaviour. Possible changes are– one will
develop the attitude [আচরণ] of freely mixing and talking with one’s classmates and teacher. One’s
shyness will gradually [ধীরে ধীরে] disappear. One will develop the attitude of helping and cooperating
with each other. One will learn to behave in a democratic [গণতান্ত্রিক] way. Most
importantly, these behavioural changes taking place inside the classroom will
be carried over outside the classroom, in real-life situations. In order to
maximise these benefits, one will need to manage one’s group work effectively
My thanks to you. Helping me a lot.