Saturday, September 7, 2019

Application to set up a library at school

Application to set up a library at school

April 28, 20__
The Headmistress
XYZ School

Subject: A prayer for a library.

Books play an important role in promoting education. All good schools have libraries. Students have library periods and they borrow books from there. Libraries play an important role in promoting the habit of reading. Having a library at school is in the interest of both the students and the school. Students will enjoy reading books in the library during library periods. Libraries can become an important source of creating love for books. Students get used to reading books when they start going to libraries.

We, therefore, request you to set up a library at our school. It will help in developing reading habits in students. Thanks.

Yours Obediently,
Ahmar Khan


  1. It says "headmistress" but then follows up with "sir"
    i think it should be ma'am

    1. Yuh but,, our school have head master so it isn’t' a problem for me 🙃

  2. It’s very big
