Saturday, August 10, 2019

Completing Sentences: Exercise 001

Completing Sentences: Exercise 001

Complete the following sentences.

1.         A man who is drowning —. [CS:11]

2.         A man who leads an idle life —. [CS:11]

3.         A patriot is he who—. [CS:11]

4.         A person who produces foods for others —. [CS:11]

5.         After he had passed his MA, —. [CS:07]

6.         After I had washed my car —. [CS:07]

7.         After I had eaten five apples, —. [CS:07]

8.         After Mina had finished her breakfast, —. [CS:07]

9.         After she had read the letter —. [CS:07]

10.       After we had eaten firni, —. [CS:07]

11.       Allah is with us till —. [CS:09]

12.       An intellectual is one who—. [CS:11]

13.       As he is punctual, —. [CS:14]

14.       As I had forgotten her, —. [CS:14]

15.       As I have not enough time, —. [CS:14]

16.       As it rained, —. [CS:14]

17.       As she was ill, —. [CS:14]

18.       As soon as he fired the gun, —. [CS:13]

19.       As soon as he got the telegram, —. [CS:13]

20.       As soon as he saw me, —. [CS:13]

Completing Sentences: Exercise 001
Answer Section

1.         catches at a straw

2.         lags behind

3.         loves his country

4.         are called farmers

5.         he joined the company

6.         I went out

7.         I went out

8.         she went out

9.         she went out

10.       we went out

11.       the end

12.       has much knowledge

13.       he was rewarded

14.       I went out

15.       I stopped

16.       we went out

17.       she did not come

18.       there was a loud crack

19.       he was shocked

20.       he ran

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