Friday, August 23, 2019

Email to your friend thanking him for their hospitality


From: “Ratan”
Sent:  Tuesday, September 20, 20__; 6:00pm

Subject: Thanks for your hospitality.

Dear Raaz,
I have reached home safe and sound. But I will never forget the happy days I spent with you and your family. Your parents took affectionate care of me. You and your brothers and sisters always looked for my ease and comforts. Even your neighbours were so caring to me. I was really enchanted by your hospitality. I really don’t know how swiftly the sweet days passed off. It was really really wonderful. The memory of these sweet days in your home will remain ever-fresh in my mind.

Convey [
জ্ঞাপন করা] my heartfelt thanks to your brothers and sisters, and my regards [শুভেচ্ছা] to your parents.

Your loving friend,