Sunday, November 25, 2018

Child Labour in Bangladesh

Child Labour in Bangladesh

“Child labour” defines an extremely [অত্যন্ত] complex [জটিল] set of phenomena [ঘটনা]. It is undoubtedly one of the curses of new era. Poverty poses to be a great threat in Bangladesh. Their working in the hotels or in the garments, as a tempo helper or a ‘tokai’ is really pathetic [করুণ]. Sometimes, they are engaged [নিযুক্ত] in full time job from tender [কোমল] age like domestic servant, day-labourer. It may involve too much physical pressure such as brick clinker, railway porter. In many places, children are mentally and physically oppressed [পীড়িত] during their work. But a child has right to live and survive well. Being deprived [বঞ্চিত] of basic rights, a child cannot become a perfect man. We should ensure [নিশ্চিত] their good leaving. A child should be protected from all kinds of threats and oppressions. He has the right to get educated. We should encourage [উৎসাহ] them to learn. We should also ensure a child’s health and hygiene. We should try to improve their physical and mental development. A child should not be forced into labour. We must not expect income from the children. The world community has to be more conscious [সচেতন] about this. Child labour should be banned from the society as soon as possible for a better future of the country because one who is child today will be a perfect man tomorrow. All children should be given equal privileges [সুবিধা] to grow up in the interest of mankind itself.

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