Monday, November 26, 2018

Most Favourite Song

My Most Favourite Song

There are many songs that appeal [আবেদন] to my mind. In fact, the list of my favourite songs is rather long. But if I am asked to choose my most favourite song, I have to mention [উল্লেখ] just one that comes to my mind instantly [সাথে সাথেই]. The song is known as ‘Dhana dhanye pushpo bhora’. This song is written and composed by the great poet and lyricist [গীতিকার] Dwijendralal Roy, popularly known as D.L. Roy. This is a song of patriotism [স্বদেশ প্রেম] which reflects [প্রতিফলন] the glory of our motherland. This is one of the most beautiful patriotic songs I have ever heard. It is said in the song that our motherland is the queen of all the lands on this earth and it is made of dreams and enfolded [জড়াইয়া ফেলা] with memories [স্মৃতি]. The song is a tribute [শ্রদ্ধা] to the matchless natural richness of our motherland. Throughout the song we have vivid [উজ্জ্বল] descriptions [বর্ণনা] of the wonderful natural blessings, love and affection that we enjoy in this land. The song ends with the yarning that this land that nurtured [পোষা] us from our birth will be the place of our final breath on earth. A sense of pride fills me when I listen to this composition. I salute my motherland as I listen to this song. It depicts [বর্ণনা] our love and respect for our own country and nation. There is one more reason why this song is so close to my heart. I grew up listening to this song. Every time I listen to this song, I go back to my mother’s lap and hear her melodious [সুস্বর] voice singing ‘Sokol desher rani she je amar jonmobhumi’.

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