Friday, November 30, 2018

Email describing your hobby


From: Ruwad <>
To: Efty <>
Sent: Sunday, 4 October, 20__; 5:00 p.m.

Subject: About my hobby.

Dear Efty,
Take my cordial [আন্তরিক] love at the very outset [আরম্ভ] of the E-mail. Hope you are well. The name of my hobby is gardening. It strengthens my body and refreshes my mind. My garden is in front of my reading room. Whenever I get time, I work in it with great attention. I make the soil loose with a spade; weed out the grass and plant flower plants in it. Sometimes, I sow the seeds of some plants and water them regularly. I have also put a fence [বেড়া] around my garden. It keeps away cattle and naughty children. When different types of flowers bloom in my garden, my heart leaps with joy and merriment [উল্লাস]. I become thrilled [রোমাঞ্চিত] with the beauty of flower, one of the purest ingredients [উপকরণ] of nature.
No more today.

Yours ever,