Sunday, November 25, 2018

Importance of Using Dictionary

The Importance of Using Dictionary

A dictionary is a book or electronic resource that lists the words of a language alphabetically, gives their meaning, and provides [যোগান] information about pronunciation, origin, and usage. Dictionaries are very important books in the life of a student as it can be both a teacher and a good friend. It lists the words in a language alphabetically so that the reader may find them easily. A dictionary entry gives us the accepted [প্রচলিত] spelling [বানান] of a word, its division [বিভাগ] into syllable, its pronunciation, and its origins along with its meanings. It informs what part of speech does a certain word belong. Sometimes, a dictionary also provides synonyms [সমার্থক শব্দ], or opposites of a word. In addition, if the word is a noun that describes a visible thing, the dictionary may provide a picture of it. In this connection, it guides us in writing words, phrases, sentences and paragraphs. Sometimes, example sentences are also provided. When one wants to use the word and does not know where to put the word, one can look example sentences. However, searching words by using a dictionary takes a lot of time. Using a talking dictionary, words can be searched immediately. We can find some words in a few moments. To sum up, a dictionary does a great help for everyone, especially students who are learning a language and who are interested in language learning to explore [অনুসন্ধান] new words and enrich [সমৃদ্ধ] vocabulary [শব্দভাণ্ডার].

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