Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Water Pollution

Water Pollution

Water, an important element of human environment, is essential for human and plant life. It is next to air. Water can be polluted in many ways. Farmers use chemical fertilizers and insecticides [কীটনাশক] in their fields to grow more food. The rain and floods wash away some of the chemicals. They get mixed with river water, canal water and pond water. Mills and factories pollute water by throwing the waste and even sail boats can pollute water by throwing oil, food waste and human waste into the rivers and canals. Unsanitary latrines in the countryside standing on the banks of the rivers and canals also pollute water. The unsafe drains running into the rivers and canals cause water pollution. Water pollution from industrial discharge [স্রাব], the industrial disposal of toxic [বিষাক্ত] chemicals and the dumping of human waste into rivers and canals causes poisoning and water-borne disease such as cholera and diarrhoea. Clean water is safe for use and polluted water is harmful for man. Water pollution can be prevented [প্রতিহত] in many ways. First of all, we should make the people aware [সচেতন] of the fact that water is next to air. It is called life. Mills and factories should not throw the waste materials and unsold products into rivers and canals. Steamer, motor launches and even sail boats should not throw oil, food waste and human waste into the rivers and canals. Unsanitary latrines in the countryside should not be built on the banks of the rivers and canals. In fine, awareness should be created in the public.

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