Friday, November 23, 2018

Application about holding science fair.

15 July, 20_ _
The Principal
X college

Subject: Prayer for holding a science fair.

With due respect, we would like to lay before you the following facts for your kind consideration [বিবেচনা] and necessary action.

Modern age is the age of science. In every sphere [পরিমণ্ডল] of our life we feel the touch of science. The students of our college are very much interested in science. We believe that holding a science fair will enable [সক্ষম করা] our students to learn more about science. They will get opportunity [সুযোগ] to bring out their latent [গুপ্ত] talents [প্রতিভা] by presenting different projects on science. They will be able to find the ways of using science in our day to day life.  We will invite different reputed [সুবিজ্ঞাত] colleges of the Dhaka city to participate in the fair. Our two science teachers have agreed to guide us in this regard [সম্পর্ক]. We will need 10,000/- taka to hold the fair successfully.

May we, therefore, pray and hope that you would be kind enough to grant our prayer and oblige [বাধিত করা] thereby [এর দ্বারা].

Yours obediently
The students of X College

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