Sunday, November 11, 2018

Drug Addiction

Drug Addiction

Taking of excess [অতিরিক্ত] of particular kinds of drugs is called drug addiction. Drugs are used to get some illusion [ভ্রম] and mental stimulation [উদ্দীপনা]. It has now become a global problem. People get addicted to drugs for variety of reasons. Sometimes, young people become frustrated [হতাশ] out of unemployment, rejection in love, lack of family ties, political abuse [অপব্যবহার] or other such reasons. Then they take drugs to get a release from their mental pressure. Addiction to drugs causes a great harm to the physical and mental health of the users. They feel drowsy [ঝিমিয়ে], lose their appetite [ক্ষুধা] and finally they become devoid of all human senses. They become mere beasts who have little concern [উদ্বেগ] about their families, relations and social values. When the drug addicts are unable to afford [সামর্থ্য] to buy drugs, they commit social crimes like hijacking, stealing, robbery etc. The poisonous drugs kill them slowly but surely. Drug addiction not only harms the addicted but also degrades [অধ:পতন] his family in the eye of society. Abiding by the rules of religion and by following the rules of health one can avoid being addicted to drugs. Avoiding bad company is also necessary to remain safe from the bad effects of drug addiction. Creating awareness [সচেতনতা] at personal and family levels against the dangerous effects of drugs is also necessary. It is high time we saved our young generation from the ruins [ধ্বংস] of drug addiction.

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