Sunday, November 11, 2018

Gender Discrimination

Gender Discrimination

Gender discrimination means the discriminatory [বৈষম্য] distribution [বিতরণ] of rights between male and female on the basis [ভিত্তি] of gender identity. Unfortunately [দুর্ভাগ্যবশত], the female children are the worst victim of gender discrimination which begins at their birth. Social prejudices [পূর্বসংস্কারের বশীভূত], customs and our male – domination [কর্তৃত্ব] trend [ধারা] are all the major causes of it. Religious misinterpretation [অপব্যাখ্যা] contributes [অবদান] to the degradation [লাঞ্ছনা] of women’s position. So, from the very early stage parents take more care in all respects for the male children. Gender discrimination is undoubtedly [নিঃসন্দেহে] harmful to female gender causing their health hazards [বিপদ], mental distress and even in some cases causing their death. Being deprived [বঞ্চিত] of proper health care and nutrition they become vulnerable [অরক্ষিত] to various diseases. They are considered as half – human beings who are born only to become wife of a husband and the mother of some children. This critical [সমালোচনামূলক] position makes them victim [শিকার] of all evil things like dowry [যৌতুক], illiteracy, malnutrition [অপুষ্টি] etc. To resolve this problem we should change the outlook [দৃষ্টিভঙ্গি] towards girls it should be established that women are equal partners to men. Proper education and nutrition should be given to female children. This social curse [অভিশাপ] of gender discrimination will be curled [কুঞ্চিত] only when we will realize that women are also human beings.

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