Sunday, November 11, 2018

Early Rising

Early Rising

Early rising is the habit of getting from bed early in the morning. It is beneficial [হিতকর] to a man in many ways. It makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise. The man who rises early can enjoy the beauty of the morning. He can go out for a walk in the open air. He can breathe the soothing [শীতল] air of the morning. It improves his health and refreshes [সতেজ] his mind. An early riser gets much opportunity [সুযোগ] to enjoy the beauties of nature. Nature smiles in the morning with colourful flowers and green leaves. The chirping of birds is heard in the morning. An early riser can start his day’s work early. He finds more time to do his works carefully. He can do more work. He can earn more and become wealthy. He has nothing to worry. So, the habit of early rising in the source of health, wealth and wisdom. So, everybody should practice early rising. We can think over the beautiful creation of Allah. These make us wise. So, we should form the habit of early rising for the happiness and prosperity [সমৃদ্ধি] of our life.

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