Saturday, November 10, 2018

Flood in Bangladesh

Flood means overflow [প্লাবিত করা] of water. Flood occurs [হয়] in Bangladesh every year. When it takes place seriously, it weakens our hopes of prosperity [সমৃদ্ধি]. It is like a curse of nature on us. Flood is a natural calamity [সংকট]. Now-a-days, it is an annual affair [ব্যাপার] in Bangladesh. Bangladesh suffers from flood every year.

Due to heavy rainfall or other causes when rivers or canals overflow their banks and sweep away villages and towns, then it is called flood. The causes of flood are many. Excessive [অতিরিক্ত] and continued heavy rainfall is the main cause of flood in our country. It may be caused by cyclones [ঘূর্ণিঝড়], tidal bores [জলোচ্ছাস], or melting [গলন] of snow of the ice caps.

Flood causes a big loss of life, property and crops. It washes away villages, roads and even houses. Many human lives are lost. All the communication is suspended [স্থগিত]. People become unhealthy. There is scarcity [অভাব] of drinking water. The price of all daily necessities goes up.

Flood affected people become helpless and houseless. Many have to live under the open sky. People suffer [কষ্ট] from various [বিভিন্ন] diseases [রোগ]. Many people die. Many water borne diseases break out. Man’s sufferings know no bounds. Domestic animals suffer a lot.

Flood visits our country almost every year. The floods that occurred in the year 1954, 1960, 1974, 1984, and 1987 were terrible [ভয়ঙ্কর]. The floods of 1998 broke all the records of the past.

The whole country went under water. The miseries [দুর্দশা] of the flood stricken people knew know bounds. More than two crore and fifty lacks of people became shelter less. More than 75% of the crops were damaged. Thousands of people died. All the economic activities of the county came to a standstill [অচল]. It affected almost the whole of Bangladesh. It captured the city areas like Dhaka, Rajshahi, Rangpur, etc.

Relief operations become badly needed for the flood affected [আক্রান্ত] people. Government and voluntary [স্বেচ্ছা] organizations come forward to help the flood victims. Relief camps are set up at different places like schools and colleges. Relief materials like food, clothes, medicines etc. are promptly [অবিলম্বে] distributed [বিতরণ] among the flood victims.

But having considered all of the above facts, floods do some good to us too. It brings silt [পলি] and makes our lands fertile [উর্বর]. Our soil becomes suitable for growing more and better crops. It washes away all dirty things. Thus it cleans our environment.

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