Sunday, November 11, 2018

Gender Equality

Gender Equality

Gender equality means equality and fairness of treatment between men and women. It signifies [জ্ঞাপন করা] a condition in which both men and women are treated equally and a mind-set in all circumstances [পরিস্থিতি] without showing any unfair dealing towards the women. Gender equality is of prime [মুখ্য] importance. We ought [উচিত] to be conscious [সচেতন] about the equal rights of males and females. In Bangladesh in the previous days a deplorable [নিষ্ঠুর] disparity [বৈষম্য] was noticed. But with the progress of education, the picture has changed. Our government is keen [আগ্রহী] to maintain gender equality by taking some epoch [যুগ] making initiatives [উদ্যোগ] like making female education free up to HSC level, awarding stipends [উপবৃত্তি] to girl students, recruiting [নিয়োগ] more and more female candidates in jobs and so on. Fanaticism [ধর্মান্ধতা], biased [পক্ষপাতদুষ্ট] social outlook and superstitions [কুসংস্কার] are the main barriers [বাঁধা]. Lack of education and orthodox [গোঁড়া] attitude [মনোভাব] are also responsible for these barriers. Overall development of our country depends largely [মূলত] on the equality of treatment of both the sexes. If the females are neglected [অবহেলা] and kept outside the development activities, the nation will miss their contributions [অবদান]. As a result, almost 50% of the total development will be hampered [বাধাগ্রস্ত]. To maintain equality, both male and female sexes are required to go ahead side by side in the field of education, jobs, business and other out of home activities.

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