Monday, November 12, 2018

Renewable Energy

Renewable Energy

Renewable energy is energy that can be used over and over. Some renewable energy sources are solar, wind, hydro [জল] power, biomass [জৈববস্তু], and geothermal [ভূ-তাপীয়]. Renewable energy is energy that is created from renewable resources, which can be used sustainably [টেকসই] and are naturally regenerated [পুনরূত্পাদিত]. It doesn't harm the environment, doesn't pollute. It is used for electricity generation. It is clean and does not contribute to global warming or greenhouse effects but it is costly. Renewable energy is a new technology. It is being looked at as a possible source of electricity for the future. Each renewable energy source has its benefits and costs. A huge amount of energy is consumed every day and the age of oil and natural gas will come to an end. And to meet the crisis [সংকট], we need alternative [বিকল্প] sources. Solar energy is renewable energy. Solar energy units can be installed on open rooftops or at any place where sunlight is available. Wind energy, captured with wind turbines, can produce electricity. Sunshine and the wind can turn water into an energy called hydroelectric energy. We can have bioenergy from bio-mass of plants. Hydrogen is a source of energy. If hydrogen is separated from other elements [উপাদান], it can be burned as a fuel to produce electricity. We can get geothermal energy from inside the earth. We can have ocean energy from the tide and energy. However, renewable energy provides 19% of electricity generation worldwide. Renewable power generators are spread across many countries and wind power alone already provides a significant share of electricity in some areas. Renewable biofuels have contributed to a significant decline in all consumption. But it is true that all the renewable energies come from natural sources.

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