Sunday, November 11, 2018

Village Fair

A village fair is a large gathering of men, women and children on a particular [নির্দিষ্ট] occasion [উপলক্ষ]. It is a nice annual meeting place of the village people. It is like a mirror that reflects [প্রতিফলন] the emblem [প্রতীক] of rural life. It brings a change in the monotonous [নীরস] life of the villagers. People of all ages specially the children eagerly [সাগ্রহে] wait for this happy occasion.

A village fair is usually held once or twice a year either on the first or the last day of Bengali year. It is also held on the occasion of some religious or national festivals. It is generally held in the central part of the village or on the bank of a river or in front of a Temple [মন্দির] or a ‘Dargah’.

A village fair is an exhibition [প্রদর্শনী] of the village products. The people of different professions in the village such as carpenters, blacksmiths, weavers [তাঁতী] etc. bring their own hand made articles for sell and display.

There is a great assemblage [জমায়েত] of fancy [শৌখিন] goods such as toys, whistles, combs, hair pins, cheap ornaments, cosmetics, looking glasses, earthen wares, balloons in the fair. Different kinds of household goods and decorated and painted articles of bamboo, wood and cane are also brought for sale. Various kinds of sweet meats and seasonal fruits are also available here. Everybody buys things after his own choice.

A village fair is a place of joy and pleasure for the villagers. As such some special and attractive arrangements are made in the fair to attract and amuse the visitors. Circus, magic show, Jatra and Jarigan are the chief attractions [আকর্ষণ] of them in the fair. Merry-go-rounds, puppet shows, mock fights, the lotteries etc. are some other special attractions of the fair.

The village fair has some drawbacks too. As it lacks in arrangements for proper sanitation [স্বাস্থ্য ব্যবস্থা], it sometimes leads to the outbreak of epidemics [মহামারী]. Moreover, undesirable [অবাঞ্ছিত] people and criminals visit the fair and commit various kinds of mischief [গণ্ডগোল].
Rural people are deprived [বঞ্চিত] of different kinds of amenities [সুযোগ-সুবিধা] of life enjoyed by the urban people. So, a village fair appears before the villagers with all opportunities [সুযোগ] for joy and pleasure. It gives much relief to their toilsome [কষ্টকর] life. It is a part of our cultural life.

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