Sunday, November 11, 2018

Dowry System

Dowry System

Dowry [যৌতুক] is the large amount of money or property that the bridegroom or her family demands from the bride family during the marriage ceremony. Dowry system is a heinous [জঘন্য] malpractice [অন্যায় পদ্ধতি] which the people of our county have been nourishing [পোষক] for long years. That’s why; it is called the curse [অভিশাপ] in our society. In ancient [প্রাচীন] time it was the custom of the society. But at present, dowry is the social curse for our society. Poverty [দারিদ্র্য] is the main cause of dowry. It is ignorance [মূর্খতা] or greed [লোভ] which makes the bridegroom shameless to demand money from the bride’s party at the time of marriage. However, it is not the only reason of dowry system. Because it is prevalent [প্রচলিত] in solvent families as well. In our scion-economic structure dowry is given and taken as a penalty [শাস্তি] to the bride’s party. Moreover, the greed of the bridegroom for getting illegal money is the vital [অতীব গুরুত্বপূর্ণ] cause of dowry. Dowry system gives birth to various problems in the society. It has created so many bad effects. The wives are often tortured [নির্যাতন] and beaten even to death for not giving dowry. Dowry system is very disgraceful [অপমানজনক] for the society and for the humanity. For eliminating [দূর] dowry system the government should enhance [উন্নত] applying the rules strictly. The bride, bridegroom or any other person involved in taking or giving dowry should be punished and boycotted [বর্জন] by the society.

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