Sunday, November 11, 2018

Uses and Abuses of Internet

Internet is the way of intercommunication network. It is not only a communication network but also the most widely spread communication technology of the world. It can be termed as Aladdin’s magic lamp in the sphere [বলয়] of modern era [যুগ].

Internet is a tool that can link up all the people around the world. It brings us a lot of convenience [সুবিধা]. But at the same time it can be described as a weapon to destroy human’s psychology [মনোবিজ্ঞান].

The internet has proved itself very helpful tool in many ways. It has opened a gateway for people. It has made impossible task possible for us to communicate with people from the other side of the world. At the same time, it allows us to meet new people. It discovers new places even though we are not there.

While maximum people consider it as a blessing [আশীর্বাদ] on the other hand nowadays many others regard it as a curse [অভিশাপ] because like everything else in the world the internet has a good and a bad side to it.

One of the main reasons that many people blame [দোষ] it is that everything is very easy here. One can get the information on whatever s/he likes. It has no sense to differentiate [তারতম্য] the good and evil information. In fact, it has no censorship [নিষেধাজ্ঞা] sense.

As a result, many things spin out of control. People start using the internet as a method of spying rather than a manner of communication. They abuse [অপব্যবহার] this blessing by placing information or data that is unacceptable such as pornography. Some others may use it for fraud [প্রতারণা] or theft. When these actions are committed they are considered as a form of crime.

It is more useful and sometime harmful to the rising young generation. Especially, a student no longer needs to spend long hours in libraries searching for a desired piece of information. A web search engine can provide the necessary material just at a click of a button and no matter which remote corner of the world s/he is in. The Internet will keep you side by side of the latest developments and findings that are happening throughout the world.

Books are essential for study and research. But they may not be available every time. Internet can solve this problem.

Internet also helps making arrangements [ব্যবস্থা] for air ticket, hotel booking etc. Internet also helps the patients to get prescription and treatment of the famous doctors at a minimum cost. We can get important news of home and abroad from it. On the other hand, Internet provides us with the opportunities to enjoy music, movie, sports etc.

In a word, it can be said that Internet plays a very important role in different fields of our life including trade and commerce, education and recreation and above all effective communication.

Internet has some harmful aspects beside its great contribution. Some miscreants [দুর্বৃত্তরা] spread internet virus and destroy computers to fulfil their illegal ends.

Some computer hackers use internet to hack into other's computer system and cause them harm. The Internet system is, in no way, responsible for these problems.

Everything in this world has both bright and dark sides. We have both the way is opened. It is we who are to decide which way to travel on this information super path and the right of choice depends totally on us.

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