Friday, April 27, 2018

How to Do Well in the Examination

How to Do Well in the Examination

            A student is sure to do well in the exam who reads regularly, learns his lessons well and makes a good preparation for the exam. But there are some students who work hard but cannot do well in the exam. In fact, to do well in the exam, a student should be regular to his studies from the very beginning of the term. It helps a student to prepare his lessons thoroughly [পুরাপুরি ভাবে]. Many students neglect [অবহেলা] their studies at the beginning and when the exam comes near, they start cramming [মুখস্থ করা]. But cramming does not help a student in time of his need. Clear conception [মনন] about a subject helps a student to answer to the questions properly. Secondly, a student has to make his notes for the exam through proper understanding and constant [নিয়মিত] practice. Again, a student should have a fairly good command over the language to answer the uncommon questions set in the exam. Above all, to do well in the exam, a student must be industrious [পরিশ্রমী], dutiful [কর্তব্য নিষ্ঠ], sincere [আন্তরিক], punctual [সময় নিষ্ঠ] and hardworking. Thus, one can do better in the exam.

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